How Old Is Amberley Jo Aumua Right Now (2025)

1. HUMANS OF THE ISLANDS - Amberley Jo Aumua, Filmmaker

  • I'm 22 years old of Samoan/Maori descent and I'm a storyteller. I grew up in Manurewa , South Auckland and I'm the middle child of 5 siblings.

  • Introducing young filmmaker blazing the scene at the moment... Amberley Jo Aumua! Kia ora Whanau, Malo ‘aiga my name is Amberley Jo Aumua. I’m 22 years old of Samoan/Maori descent and I’m a storyteller. I grew up in Manurewa , South Auckland and I’m the middle child of 5 siblings. I directed a short film written by Samuel Kamu called “Waiting.” It’s about two boys who wait outside a dairy for a phone-call.

2. Vai director talks about taking Pasifika film-making beyond tokenism - Metro

  • 5 apr 2019 · Amberley Jo Aumua – at 23, the youngest of the nine directors involved with Vai – tells me from the get-go she's shy, but there's a decisiveness ...

  • Amberley Jo Aumua talks to Metro about making her second film, telling Pasifika stories, and debuting Vai in Berlin.

3. Amberley Jo Aumua - Auckland - Big Screen Symposium

  • Bevat niet: now | Resultaten tonen met:now

  • Amberley Jo Aumua is of Samoan and Māori descent from Manurewa, New Zealand. She is a writer/director who holds a Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts. Her first short film...

4. Interview with Directors of “Vai” | Film Festival Today

5. 'Waiting' director blown away by win | RNZ News

  • 6 aug 2017 · Ms Aumua told Sunday Morning she was blown away by the latest accolade. Students' first film heads to Toronto, wins best NZ short.

  • A short film by two Auckland students has taken out one of the top prizes at the New Zealand International Film Festival and is also slated for the prestigious Toronto Film Festival.

6. Native Slam III - Māoriland Charitable Trust

  • Awa (13) is a young Māori girl who loves performing poi. Poi is her expression of freedom living in the sleepy seaside town of Piha, NZ. An only child, Awa ...

  • NATIVE SLAM III SATURDAY 24 MARCH 4:30 PM – 6 PMNgā Purapura   In the days leading up to the MFF 2018 filmmakers from different Indigenous nations collaborate in a […]

7. Vai - New Zealand Film Commission

  • Samoa: In her 40s now, Vai returns to Samoa to perform for an ... Amberley Jo Aumua · Mīria George · Marina Alofagia McCartney · Dianna Fuemana · Becs ...

  • Fiji: In a modest dwelling in Fiji a 7 year-old girl with boundless energy tries to understand why she has to say goodbye to her home country and extended family as her mother prepares her to leave Fiji. Tonga: Vai, now 13, dreams of going to NZ to sing but her day-to-day chore of filling up water bottles from the neighbourhood water tanks makes her feel as though she will never leave Tonga. Solomon Islands: While fishing from a small canoe off the coast of the Solomon Islands, 16 year old Vae argues with her mother about the correct way to bait the fishing hook.

8. Coco Talanoa — - The world's largest hub of Pacific Island ...

  • Introducing young filmmaker blazing the scene at the moment... Amberley Jo Aumua! Kia ora Whanau, Malo 'aiga my name is Amberley Jo Aumua. I'm 22 years old of ...

  • The CoconetTV - The world's largest hub of Pacific Island content.

9. Cinematic Im/mobilities in the Planetary Now

  • In the context of the countless migrants who are immobilised by death or ... 13 Becs Arahanga, Amberley Jo Aumua, Matasila Freshwater, Dianna Fuemana ...

  • Dis/enclosures and Im/mobilities At the beginning of Cary Joji Fukunaga’s 2009 film Sin Nombre, which tells the story of a group of Hondurans attempting to cross into the United States via Mexico by riding aboard a fictional version of the freight train known as ‘La Bestia’ or ‘El tren de la muerte,’ we encounter a scene of im/mobility. In the film’s first shot, we see a path in an autumn-coloured forest leading away from the camera until it disappears on the brightly lit horizon, with the ca...

10. Vai - Rocky Mountain Women's Film

  • ... it is disabled in your browser. Filmmakers. Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki – Director; Matasila Freshwater – Director; Amberley Jo Aumua – Director; Miria ...

  • VAI is a film about female empowerment telling the story of one woman’s life in eight separate moments from the perspective of eight different Pacific Island cultures.

11. TALANOA + YALOYALO | Campbelltown Arts Centre

  • The film looks at a number of women who are now reclaiming the art of tatau ... for today's Polynesian women. Marks of Manawon Best NZ Cinematography ...


12. Melbourne Women in Film Festival Critics Lab - Kill Your Darlings

  • 28 feb 2020 · ... Amberley Jo Aumua / Mīria George / Marina Alofagia McCartney / Dianna Fuemana / Becs Arahanga. Directed by nine Pasifika women, Vai explores ...

  • Presenting a selection of film writing from the 2020 Melbourne Women in Film Festival’s Critics Lab, by Tiia Kelly, Laura La Rosa, Natalie Williams and Chloe Wong.

13. Travel around the world with 20 films now streaming at SBS On Demand

  • 10 sep 2020 · Director: Nicole Whippy, Amberley Jo Aumua, Becs Arahanga, Matasila ... Gang-du, who operates a snack bar on the riverbank, witnesses his only ...

  • International travel may not be possible at the moment, so armchair travel is the next best thing. Country hop around the world from the comfort (and safety) of your home with these 20 films streaming at SBS On Demand.

How Old Is Amberley Jo Aumua Right Now (2025)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.